


Snowy Day

It is snowy today. In this year, we have had more snowy days than the number in last year. I used to like snowy days when I was a child because we did not need to go school and we can play with snow. But, now, I dislike the days because I …

Working Place

I can not work at home, which is my characteristic. When I was a middle and high school student, I studied at "塾" usually. I think I can not concentrate on that if I can reach out to something, like TVs, smartphones, books, etc... Today, …

MacDonalds in Manhattan

If my memory is correct, it costs about 500 yen to have a meal at MacDonalds in Japan. But here, in the US, it costs $10 that is equal to 1100 yen. Someone may say 'the size is double!' The answer is "same." To live in Manhattan we need do…


I was so busy that I did not have time to write blogs for a long time. But, I will restart describing my blog. Because I believe it is very important to say what I think about. As a first message, I want to say to everyone that "I will try…